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Aside from weapons, skills will play an important strategic option for the players. Before every match, while in the lobby, players can pick two skills from the list of skills they own and equip them to their character. During the game, players can use the skills they have equip to help them win the race.
Skills in the game will not be locked to class types, so it will be up to the player to mix and match to develop their strategies. Skills will also have hidden synergy with each other. For example, there will be a skill called oil pot that you can throw to create a slick oil area that will cause players to lose traction. Let's say you pair this with another fireball skill and catch the oil on fire. When the player goes through the oil spill, not only will they slip, but the player will also receive burn damage.
Skills will also need to be balanced in such a way that some are better against one of the three major stats, Speed, Defense, and Attack. This way if you know you're going against
Below is a list of a few skills we plan to implement for the MVP.
Mark: Shoots an arrow in an aimed direction and Marks an opponent character; next ability will cause 30% extra damage.
Enter Sandman: This skill will have the player playing music and create an area of effect around the player. Any opposing player within the radius of this effect for a few seconds will get a sleep status effect.
15-second cooldown
Oil Pot: oil pot is a skill that allows the player to throw a pot of oil. Once it hits the ground, it creates a pool of oil that will add the Status effect of Slippery when run over.
30-second cooldown
Fireball: A fireball is another throwable item that catches any burnable object on fire. When this hits another player, they will receive the burn status effect.
15-second cooldown
Cleanse: Remove all status effects applied to the player
20-second cooldown
30-second cooldown
30-second cooldown.
60-second cooldown
30-second cooldown
20-second cooldown
30-second cooldown
15-second cooldown
Trap: Lays a trap down behind the player. Any player that collides with the trap will become stunned for 3 seconds. Also, it applies a small amount of damage.
Shield: Reduces damage by 30% for 5 seconds
Heal: Recover 60% of max health.
Speed Boost: boost the chariot's speed by 30% for 5 seconds.
Reflection: Any spell cast on the player is reflected on the caster. Active time is 3 seconds.
Life Siphon: Absorb 10% health from all nearby enemies
Rain of Arrows: ranged attack skill that fires several arrows in the air, each landing to deal area of effect over a short time.